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Membership is a step up from your average show experience, see below for how much a membership can benefit you!

Members Tickets

Members Tickets include:

- Entry to the show
- Exclusive ringside seating
- Exclusive members badge
- Priority Parking
- Use of Members Hospitality Marquee & Bar
- Free tea and coffee in the Members Marquee

How to purchase a membership

£17.50 each

Members Tickets are sold around most parishes in the Launceston area by Show representatives who are well known in their locality or can be obtained upon postal application (together with appropriate fee enclosed) from the Show Secretary.

Members tickets are available to purchase at:

Maunders, Scarne Industrial Estate, Launceston PL15 9HS - 01566 773079 - Monday-Friday 8am - 5.30pm Saturday 8am - 4pm

Homeleigh Garden Centre, Dutson, Launceston PL15 9SP Monday-Saturday 8am - 5pm

Local Collectors will call as normal around surrounding villages.

Buy Tickets Online!